Resolve Reptiles is on Discord!

Resolve Reptiles is on Discord! Resolve Reptiles' subscribers will get special access to resources in Discord.

Resolve Reptiles is on Discord!
Resolve Reptiles is on Discord

Discord is a place for communities. If you've been living under a rock with your favorite reptiles, you should know it's a large scale service for building long lasting friendships. It's also, like the name suggests, a great place to have interactions with people you normally wouldn't interact with.

Resolve Reptiles is on Discord and you can join here.

Join the discord

Existing members can also use Discord to sign into Resolve Reptiles for extra member benefits.

Why join the Resolve Reptiles discord?

Our goal, as always, is to try to add some clarity and further the conversation around animal science specifically in the scope of keeping reptiles. You can have real time discussions with other individuals while enjoying plenty of resources to help the community learn and share new information.

At minimum, you can browse our listings and other resources.

Subscribe for Access to Additional Resources

Subscribers to the website will get additional access to channels in the Discord server. New features will be added to the Resolve Reptiles website that Discord users will have special access to.

We'll see you online!