Responsible Reptile Keeping is a relatively new organization.

We at Resolve Reptiles are always excited to see new reptile organizations show up. Especially ones that promise to "oppose and refute those who aim to curtail responsible keeping through their use of misinformation and bias". This sounds great.

The Spiral Down

The first thing to know is that RRK is intertwined with an organization called REPTA. The most interesting thing about REPTA is that they've published a Deleterious Gene Policy suggesting the ban of spider ball pythons, etc. This is all very fair.

Unfortunately their announcement is pretty toothless. The only thing they're doing is imploring members of their own organization to not deal with these morphs.

Additionally they have created one of the most naive lists you can find. It mentions the usual morphs like Spider and Jaguar, but neglects to mention morphs like Super Black Pastel that can result in facial deformities.


REPTA itself is composed of several individuals including Jo Wise of Monkfield Group. The important thing to know here is that Monkfield owns Arcadia. It comes to no surprise that REPTA and RRK suggest UVB and overhead lights for every reptile--which, again, is understandable however they do not disclose that the reason they do this is because Arcadia is at the helm.

The Connection to ReptiFiles, HappyDragons, etc

The organization promotes the typical material spawned off of the Advancing Herp Husbandry facebook group. This group is well known for their commitment to outright false information, reporting incorrect facts about products that compete with Arcadia, and an overall misunderstanding of tools available to the hobby.

A Marketing Pyramid Scheme

Keeping in mind all of the facts above, Responsible Reptile Keeping is an organization dedicated to funneling money only to their favorite creators that create positive marketing schemes for board members of the various groups.

Arcadia is a board member of REPTA, Responsible Reptile Keeping is a member of and promotes REPTA, Responsible Reptile Keeping promotes HappyDragons, HappyDragons promotes ReptiFiles, ReptiFiles promotes Responsible Reptile Keeping...

It's pretty obvious this is a pyramid scheme.

Resolve Reptiles has created a YouTube Video Covering the Danger